
How to Find Formstack at HIMSS 2021

Lacey Jackson
August 3, 2021
Min Read

We are so excited to be back at in-person conferences this year!

After a year of virtual events and Zoom meetings, we’re ready to spend some time with our customers and partners at HIMSS 2021. We always come back from HIMSS energized, inspired, and ready to spin up new workflows with no-code technology.

Before you pack your bags to get ready for another successful HIMSS, we wanted to let you know how you can find Formstack this year. With thousands of attendees and vendors and hundreds of thoughtful sessions, planning is key to a successful HIMSS. 

We’re dedicating our time at HIMSS to sharing how healthcare organizations can reimagine the patient experience by building digital-first healthcare workflows. We’ll be sharing this message during our speaking session and at our booth. 

If you’re interested in learning more, read on to learn where you can find us this year.

Attend Our Speaking Session 

This year, the HIMSS theme is “change.” We’re excited to share some of our thoughts and ideas about bringing change to the patient experience by moving from manual data entry and paper forms to streamlined, digital workflows.

Patient journeys address capturing data and real-world touch points with the healthcare system to understand the full spectrum of patient experience, as it’s happening. With this information in mind, providers can empower patients with greater transparency, access, and convenience.

We’re joining forces with Formstack partner Healthgrades to share insights on: 

  • How patient needs and expectations have changed over the last year
  • How no-code tools can help healthcare orgs better understand patient needs and create personalized experiences
  • How to take action and make informed decisions based on key patient data

If you’re ready to reassess the patient experience across your organization, make sure to attend our session “The Patient Experience: Informed and Reimagined” on Wednesday, Aug. 11 at 9:45 a.m. in the Innovation Live Theater. 

Experience the Formstack Booth 

One of the most exciting parts of being back at in-person events is having the chance to connect with our customers, partners, and audience! Stop by booth #C134 any time during the conference to meet our team, watch a demo, or grab some Formstack swag.

HIMSS Formstack swag

We’ll be featuring hands-on demos that show how you can limit your team’s reliance on IT with the power of no-code workflows. Learn how you can empower patients with data access, support interoperability efforts, and connect to the systems you use every day with a platform solution. 

Stop by and ask our team for tips and tricks on digitizing the patient experience so you can increase patient loyalty and engagement and improve outcomes.

Learn More: What does it mean to be an empowered patient? Check out this whitepaper to get answers to your most common questions. 

Network with Us

We want to help you make the most of your time at HIMSS 2021. Stop by our booth (#C134) to get questions answered and chat with a member of our team about how you can simplify processes and create seamless patient experiences with no-code workflows. We can’t wait to see you there!


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Lacey Jackson
Lacey is a Product Marketing Manager at Formstack who is dedicated to creating content that showcases the power of the Formstack Platform. When she’s not creating Formstack Builders tutorials, she can be found reading, playing board games, or strolling with her dog. Lacey is a graduate of Franklin College.
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